
The Door Has Finally Shut

I spent my last evening in Greece with a Greek family for a birthday party. Boy was that a rewarding experience. I wanted so much to be in a real Greek house and experience the lifestyle and finally my last day I was given the opportunity :) I was able to experience first hand the incredible love of the parents for their children. It was very rewarding. I've been back in the United States for a little over a day now. I'm still so jet lagged that i went to sleep incredibly early and woke up at six. Ha not so pleasant. On the plane i watched alice in wonderland, dear john, and shutter island. Since I was unable to sleep because I was so sad..The first thing I noticed when I landed in Chicago is A. no more dominant dark features B. How different the attitudes here are.

While we were waiting for our next plane I ran over to the starbucks and got a frappacino- boy did i miss those :) When we finally landed in minneapolis i was greeted by two of my friends and my mother and sister. The second I saw my friends i started saying oh no please dont run..please dont run... hahah they didnt but they def walked very quickly towards me. They made me cup cakes that spelled out welcome back. Boy do i love those girls... Then my mother and my sister took me to taco bell. Then i came home and finished my paper and talked to my other best friend on the phone for quite a bit. I think I'll see her sunday which will be nice. Yesterday I spent most of the day doing nothing.. and freaking out and cleaning my room. its still soooooo messy its making me so anxious. I got ot see my boys though :) im bringing them to the zoo next week im so excited. Went to sleep early... and here i am. Woke up at 5 am. Today is my brothers graduation party. Then I think I'll go see a few friends.. I won't stay long though because I'm still a zombie. Class starts monday. Work starts tuesday.

Not sure if I'll continue to write on this blog, we shall see.


All good things come to an end..

Today is my last day in Greece. Although all my bags are packed I can't comprehend that I'm actually leaving this incredible country... I will miss the chill lifestyle, or as the greeks call it, "halara" :) Just sit down and drink a frappe no biggie..! As I've sad many time before, I can't believe its already time to go.. I'm so adapted to my life here that I can't imagine leaving it.

Monday I finished up my finals, in ecology I got a 98% on the final! I'm pretty proud of myself. I will finish my philosophy paper on religion on my 5 hor layover in Switzerland. Tuesday I finished up all my shopping for my friends and family, as well as myself of course.. :) I also said goodbye to my incredible Greek loves. Boy will I miss them...Then I my friend chelsea and I had our last hurrah... It was definitely an amazing last night! Perfect ending.. :) Today I packed and had a frappe.. I leave tonight at 2 15 am for the airport. I won't sleep because there is no point in it and I have no bed, so I'm basically just going to stay up for 48 hours. I will be a crabby bear when I reach Minnesota finally!! Signomi my family...

Goodbye Greece, you've been great, you've changed my life more then you could possibly know. I will leave my heart with you, take care of it.


One Week Remaining...The Good and the Bad

I leave a week from today. Where did all the time go? The weeks here have flown by.. I have finals tomorrow, friday, and monday, however it is impossible to take them seriously.. All I want to do is enjoy my last moments in this incredible country. Today I bought some picture frames and printed some picture of me and some Greek loves to give them as going away gifts. It will be very difficult to leave them. They will be what I miss most about Greece. I wish I could bring them all home with me!!
What I will miss about Greece..

My Greek loves 1st and foremost,as already mentioned
The beaches and weather
The shopping
The laidback attitude
The unconditional love of the families
Bars being open until between 4-9am
University parties
The tavernas
The ocean
The mountains
Silver dollar and Boss
Wabbit Hunting
Walking home from an night out in the daylight
Walking everywhere
It being normal to be 20 min late for everything (I"m really good at that)
Navarinou Square
It being ok to stare at everyone

The list is endless... I would be rambling for days if I tried to list them all

What I won't miss..
The lack of air conditioning
Having prepaid phones
Not having a dryer
The buses
The constant protests/riots

What I can't wait for at home:
My family
My friends
Taco bell
My truck
My jetski
Working at Applebees
Babysitting my boys :) :)

I'm going to end this blog with a inbox message I received from the lovely Jackie Brigg....
(Pane is the nick name for the apt building we live in- Panepistemou)

The first week at Pane my true friends shared with me...
disdain for the siiixxxteeeen

The second week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The third week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The fourth week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The fifth week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
5 protests a day, 4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The sixth week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
6 closets of clothes, 5 protests a day, 4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The seventh week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
7 days of partying, 6 closets of clothes, 5 protests a day, 4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The eighth week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
8 late assignments, 7 days of partying, 6 closets of clothes, 5 protests a day, 4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The ninth week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
9 knocks from Igor, 8 late assignments, 7 days of partying, 6 closets of clothes, 5 protests a day, 4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The tenth week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
10 gyros a month, 9 knocks from Igor, 8 late assignments, 7 days of partying, 6 closets of clothes, 5 protests a day, 4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The eleventh week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
11 glares on the 58, 10 gyros a month, 9 knocks from Igor, 8 late assignments, 7 days of partying, 6 closets of clothes, 5 protests a day, 4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

The twelfth week at Pane my true friends shared with me…
12 HOURS OF BUFFALO, 11 glares on the 58, 10 gyros a month, 9 knocks from Igor, 8 late assignments, 7 days of partying, 6 closets of clothes, 5 protests a day, 4 story beer bongs, 3 strikes from Spilio, 2 weeks of traveling and disdain for the siiixxteeeen

I'll write a real blog in a few days, this was just one I felt the need to write


Unconditional Love

I officially leave Greece 3 weeks from today. Seems like I just got back from spring break, I can't believe it is already May 20th! 3 weeks is not enough time.. I think I will have to find some sort of device that allows my life to continue here but the acutal days to stop passing. I'm not ready for the stress of the states yet..

I have spent a lot of time with Greeks that have never been to the United States, and it is mindblowing how differently their lives operate on the subject of families. Although the parents here have a hard time letting their children leave the nest, they are completely supportive of their children in everything they do. They are respected as people, and are given absolute unconditional love. Although I know most parents love their children unconditionally in the states as well, they do not trust them to make their own decisions. I was talking to a friend who was telling me that he can't imagine families that fight and don't get along, and I told him I can't imagine families that don't fight and can always get along.

I, of course, see these attitudes only from the people I know, so things may not be as perfect as I think...

There are many things in Greece in which I do not agree with, however this respect and laidback manner families partake in truly outshines all the negatives with its' goodness. I hope that as an adult if I have children I can be like the Greek parents (however when they are ready to leave the nest I will let them, I am a strong believer in independence).

I do not really have anything else to say today, this topic of families has just been on my mind lately. It is a different kind of love that I found fascinating, I do not really have words for it. This weekend I hope to go to the beach 2 days since we do not have class on Monday, we will see if the weather agrees with that desire or not! Only one more paper to write until finals. It is kind of a relief! Now to make myself do it... we shall see.


And the Heat Persists...

On Thursday night, the anarchists set off a bomb in Athens in a government building. Friday afternoon, here in Thessaloniki, a bomb went off in the courthouse 10 minutes from my apartment, also due to the anarachists. Apparently the media got tip offs about both situations prior to the explosion, so only two people were hurt when it could have been MUCH more serious. Although I do not agree with blowing up buildings ot make a statement, I do respect that those in charge gave a warning in order to avoid deaths. They are just looking for the media to make their voices heard, which is the one part of the situation I can respect.

Obviously the situation here is getting much worse VERY fast. They are adding some type of additional fence on top of the original around the Aristotle campus. I assume this is to decrease the number of molotov cocktails that get thrown at the cops by the rioters (cops are not allowed on the aristotle university campus because a student was killed by the police there many years ago so it is used for a refuge. It is good to see that they are taking precautions, however it is interesting to see that it is deemed necessary.. Now that summer is approaching and the laws decreasing incomes and adding taxes will be making their impact, things are bound to get a little out of control. Well, more then they have been in the past that is. This situation has been going on since long before I arrived here, I just happen to be spending the semester here as it is accelerating. It is interesting to know both sides of the greek country.. I never would have given two shits about the situation if I wasn't living here, but now it is becoming part of everyday life.

Enough about that!

This weekend two of my friends as well as myself went home with our greek friend to her village in the mountains. It was beautiful! The weather was very unpleasant, however we managed to have a nice, relaxed weekend. Friday night we went to a taverna and hen saturday we went into the city and tried some amazing food :) Saturday night we just hung around again.. The weekend was all about relaxation, which was a nice change from my usual fast pace. Not going to lie though, it is very nice to be home again. Whenever I leave Thess I find myself missing it more then the previous time. My apartment isn't much, but it is home.

Some interesting things about Greece I've discovered:
-If you get caught by the ticket people on the bus without one and you are a college student of a good enough major they will not charge you the 36 euro (I've seen this happen)
-Here, you must carry your id on you at all times and if the cops ask you and you don't have it they can take you to the police station and make you prove who you are, however if you say you are a student they will generally let you go.
-Instead of taking the drivers test to get your license, greeks can pay 300 euro and will receive the license without taking the test (this will be the course of action for my greek friend mary because she is a horrid driver).

It is interesting how strict the government pretends to be but how BIASED they are... It is rather frustrating... I do not know how to react to it. It is not my country so it is not fair for me to judge, however I come from a country where we TRY to make everyone equal. Granted, we do not always do a good job of it, however something like this would NEVER happen in the united states. Also, no wonder some greeks are such poor drivers! As long as you have the 300 euro to pay anyone can get their license! No matter how long I'm here I do not think I will ever truly get the greek culture, it is so different from everything that I have ever experienced...

However I still love Greece unconditionally :) <3

I think by the time I have to go home I might be ready for it..I will obviously be very upset to leave a place that I have formed such a deep connection to as well as irreplaceable friendships, but I'm finally starting to get a LITTLE bit homesick

We will see.


Let's Start A Riot

A lot had happened since my last blog. I attended my friend John's album release for his band Funky Monkey. Awesome show! There is no doubt about their fame, I can't wait to see the band take off. He is such an amazing individual, he deserves the fame and will get the credit he deserves.

Recently there have been a number of riots in Greece (the 5th and 6th of May) pertaining to the income cuts and taxes that the government is implementing upon the country. The country is on the verge of bankruptcy, and in order to get bailed out by the EU the had to find a way to show Germany that they have some stability. What is happening is quite the opposite.. Tuesday there were peaceful protests in Thess and Athens. Many of the public sectors were on strike (which is nothing out of the ordinary) and we assumed Wednesday would be the same. Not exactly.. I generally head to school at 1 45 pm to catch the 2 pm bus. My friend sent me a text and informed me that the riots were encompassing the entireity of Egnatia( the main street we go to get on the buses) and were blocking off all the buses. Accompanied with Molotov Cocktails, rioters flee to Aristotle College because the polics are not allowed on campus. Needless to say Artistotle College was closed that day to ensure the safety of the students. Riots marched along the streets, smashing store and fast food windows along the way. There were fires, and the cops used tear gas to control the riots.

In Athens it was far worse. Compared to the 20,000 rioters in Thess, there were 100,000 in Athens. Accompanied also with their Molotov Cocktails, several buildings were lit on fire, and 3 people ended up dying in a bank, one of which who was pregnant. Because of the deaths, the riots were called off for the rest of the day, however they could flare up at any point. They are called on short notice and go about without order. Although many of the rioters were taken back by the deaths caused, I don't think they will remain silent for long. Not until Greece gets bailed out that is. I don't think that violence is the proper way to handle the situation, however I do understand their anger. The government sucks. The deaths and the riots have shaken Germany some, so we will see how they respond. Greece is not feeling the weight of their economy yet, but they will soon. And then all hell will break loose. There was an Anarchist meeting about a mile from my apartment on Thuesday. According to the study abroad program in my university at home, I live in a Danger Zone.

Although most people would be a little worried about living only a quarter mile away from a main rioting outlet, I am not. I live in residental area, and even though they are targeting American facilities, I do not feel theatened. All the Greeks that I have met appreciate us coming to understand their culture, and are more then welcoming. It is very interesting to be thrown in the mix of everything. If I were in America, I would have cared less about the subject, however it surrounds me. Everyday. It is fascinating as well as eye-opening.

Last weekend I went to the beach! Never have I seen such clear water! They don't make it like that in the States! It's mid to high 80's here everyday so it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince myself to go to school... I basically only go because I have so many tests, papers, and presentations due within the next few weeks.. Bleh! Luckily, I do not have an exam the day before I leave or I would have been screwed.. I would have been packed 0%!! I leave a month from yesterday. No thaaannkkks! Let us just rewind the clock back a few months and call it good, ok? Thanks!

Sunday night was my good friend Samanthas 21st birthday. I bought her a cake and after dinner myself as well as my other good friend Chelsea presented her and Alex's (the best bartender ever) cakes to them at Silver Dollar. They let me go in the back of the bar! I totally work there now :) They just don't know it!! After samatha consumed a decent amount of alcohol, we went with some new acquaintainces to a hip hop club. Terrifying! We were the only white people in the club... Ir was a little intimidating considering the majority of the people in the bar were the men that sell the purses and the sunglasses on the street illegally. I suppose that is a little discriminating to assume, however it was more their manner in how they treated us and looked at us that made me so uncomfortable... Needless to say I hid behind my friends the whole time!

This weekend I am going home with my friend Tina to her hometown of Kastoria! They are having their house cleaned for our stay, and I'm very excited. Next week: presentation monday, paper tuesday, and paper thursday, then tattoo on thursday. At least it ends well right? Then off to Halkidiki and back in time for Panos and Spayks show and writing another huge paper! Too much to do in too little time!!!!!


My heredity may not be Greek, but my heart sure is

Sunday, I watched my wonderful friend Chelsea finish her marathon; boy was that a rewarding experience! When I first saw her coming I felt like a mother with her sheep, I was so proud of her! This amazing young lady spent two week on spring break with me without running, and then when she was suppose to resume she was sick for a week. Still she beat her best time! Shows how good of shape she is in. Chelsea is a very strong individual. She makes me want to set my goals higher, as she proves to us all that anything can be accomplished. I intend to be able to run a marathon as well within the next couple of years, it has always been something I have wanted to do. After meeting her, I know that if she can start at mile one and be able to complete this feat on several occasions I will be able to do it as well. I definitely feel blessed to have her in my life, and I feel like she makes me a better person. Love that girl!

So my parents are here! I thought that I would be shocked to see them, however it feels like they were never even out of my life.It is very nice to have them here, it's pleasant to rememberw what home is like. Sometimes I forget what life was like before I came here... Greece fills me bottom up with everything that I need. I miss friends from home, however I have a few amazing individuals here who I intend to keep with me forever. I've started spending time with several Greek people. It's fascinating to discuss our differences, as well as our similarities. We are all just people. I am able to connect with a few Greek girls far beyond what I anticipated; it will be sad to say goodbye.

I head home in a month and a half... I don't want to. If I wasn't taking a class as of june 14 and had more money I would stay all summer. There are not any available Grad schools for psych that have english, or I would come back. It is sad to think that I may never return to this incredible place; I've never felt so as home as I do here. At UWEC this year, I have always felt like the odd man out now that my best friend Abbey transfered schools. I have friends there, but I just feel isolated... In Greece, I don't have that problem. Even with the economy problems, corrupt government, all of it! I want it all. The people fit. We miss the world passing us by in America. The greeks take the time to enjoy it. I hope that I don't forget this when I return to the states. My eyes have definetly been opened and I hope that they never shut. Thus the blog writing, I hope to be able to look back on my experiences and appreciate them for what they are, and what they were all over again.

This weekend I am suppose to go with the other study abroad students to Athens, however I choose not to. With all the projects, papers, and presentations galore, I'm going to use the weekend to relax and slow done. I had enough GO GO GO over spring break, I think that I am afriad that my time here will go to fast if I continue to be busy. I'll spend the weekend working on a project, as well as getting better to know these incredible new greek friends that have entered my life, as time is limited with them.